How to Make Sure That Your House is Actually Clean?

beautifully decorated room with flower decorations

How to Make Sure That Your House is Actually Clean?

By : John

Do you ever wonder how homes of some people are always shining? They don’t run a magic wand and make it clean within seconds. They maintain a habit of cleaning their house on a regular basis. Not only cleaning regularly but following a proper strategy will make it a reality for you too. All you need is to develop a suitable cleaning strategy and know which areas need adequate cleaning so that even after spending hours your house doesn’t look grimy.

It happens many times that even if you are doing it every day, your house doesn’t look dirt free completely. Many times you don’t have the proper equipment, or you may not know the proper techniques. But if you feel that you will not be able to clean it thoroughly and it is a tedious task to do, take help of professional cleaning company in Newcastle. They have well-trained cleaners who have been green cleaning houses, offices and other areas for many years now.

However, if you want to try it out on your own and want to develop the habit of cleaning your home, here is some useful information for you. You will feel motivated than ever to clean. Let’s take a look at some professional techniques and implement them yourself:

Prepare a cleaning checklist

Always carry a cleaning checklist, and keep working on it. This list will help you decide where you should start and with which cleaning method to go on with it. Have a proper strategy as experts say that if you go according to the plan, then it will cut your cleaning time till half.


Most of the people do not enjoy dusting. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, but still, it is the most irritating task. However, if you make a habit, then it is the easiest way to make your home look better than an average home. Dusting is a good thing to do when you start the cleaning because it will help in many other tasks such as picking up unnecessary items spread all over your floor. See which area needs extra care and perform basic uncluttering.

Just dusting anywhere won’t give you best result. You should know the important places for dusting for example Window ledges, ceiling fans, baseboards etc. Ceiling fans are most of the times literarily dripping with dust and can be reached easily with a chair or a footstool. Baseboards are important too. Most of us never touch baseboards thinking that they are not visible. But honestly, they can make the whole room look dirty.


Bathrooms are one of the most important areas when it comes to cleaning. They get dirty easily and rapidly. So cleaning them at the regular intervals becomes essential. The worst part with bathrooms is that we even get used to how our bathrooms look over the time, and we don’t bother much after some time to clean it regularly.

But the vital point here is that if not cleaned regularly and correctly they can spread a lot of germs in your house. You can catch diseases and infections. Here are some critical parts of the bathroom which should not be missed to achieve a sparkling bathroom:

Mirrors- they get dirty because of the constant use of water daily. They should be streak free. Use a glass cleaner for mirrors. If it doesn’t work, then you can try water and vinegar. Toilets- clean the front, top, bases, cover, in and around the seat where most of the dirt collects. Wipe the floor and behind the toilet as well.

Fixtures- clean all lights, towel racks, shower curtain rod.

Take a look at the towels too. Fold towels and keep them in one place.

Walls– walls are last but not the least. There are marks on the walls in the bathroom. Clean them up too.


Vacuuming is the fundamental part of cleaning. During vacuuming, move the furniture if possible to get it cleaner. You must move your beds also at least every 2 to 3 months and wipe it beneath.

Carpets– Carpets become very dusty very often. Vacuuming them regularly is essential else cleaning will always be incomplete.

Closets– vacuum, inside the closet doors. Empty the whole closet once every month and clean it thoroughly.

Lamp shades need to be vacuumed too. Garages also need to be vacuumed.


Kitchen is the part of the house which should be undoubtedly dirt free all the time. We prepare our food there, and if this place is dirty, it will spread into your food. It can be lethal for you and your family’s health. However, some tips here will also help you. When cleaning your kitchen, always start with the fridge. Wipe the door, handle and front positively. Also use green and safe cleaning agents for your kitchen.

Oven cleaning is most important in the kitchen. Oven gets dirty very often, and we tend to overlook it most of the times. So, don’t forget to clean your oven.

Clean all small appliances like microwaves, toasters, coffee makers. Wipe dishwasher inside out. Clean under the sinks-that area gets a lot dirty. Clean the garbage area too.


If you have hardwood floor, then use oily soap to mop it. If you feel there is a lot of dirt on the floor already, then you can use water and vinegar a few times. It will help in making your floor shining again. Use the different type of mops for tile floor and wooden floor. Mop the entire house at once. Clean the baseboards with a cloth which is wet enough. Make sure to mop around chair and table legs and under the furniture.

Wrapping Up

If you spend the right time in the right direction, your house will look cleaner than ever. Just by following these guidelines you can make your home new and polished. But if you think that you don’t have enough time and energy to do it all by yourself then you can take help of expert cleaners. Bond Cleaning in Newcastle is the leading cleaning company in Newcastle. They know the business well and have the latest techniques which will make your house new again every time they clean it.