9 Feng Shui Tips For Revolutionary House Cleaning

young woman holding a bucket full of spray bottles and chemical bottles

9 Feng Shui Tips For Revolutionary House Cleaning

By : John
The main objective of feng shui is to create a space that is harmonious with the environment. The practice has been there for centuries, but it is still not outdated. In fact, the practice saw a revival in recent years. Hundreds of trained feng shui advisers are there in Newcastle and other parts of New South Wales, who offer their service reasonably. According to the rules mentioned in feng shui, a disorganised and dirty house will bring negativity in the house, so it will not feel healthy and happy. Therefore, you need to clean every corner of your house thoroughly. You can either clean it yourself or hire professionals who offer the best end of lease cleaning in Newcastle. Perfectly clean and organised rooms make your home healthy, bring positive energy and attract more happiness. If you want to follow the feng shui, you need to follow some guidelines. Here are 9 feng shui tips for revolutionary house cleaning.

1. Declutter Your House

Over time, you accumulate several items in your home that have lost their importance and have become part of the clutter. It is pointless to have so much clutter in your home. According to feng shui, decluttering makes space for new and fresh items while also releasing stagnant energy. Gather all of the stuff and see what you can resell. Otherwise, donate your items to a charity, call a recycling centre, or throw them away.

2. Clean your Kitchen

Your kitchen is an important aspect of your house that generates life-sustaining energy. Because that energy will be absorbed into the food you cook, your kitchen should be a positive space. A perfect kitchen should be spotless and spacious, with lots of light and ventilation. It should also be bright and cheerful, evoking happiness, purity and health. Consequently, dust the tops of cabinets, the refrigerator, and other surfaces.

3. Clean your Bathroom

A bathroom is a location where you clean your body to feel revitalised. As a result, it should be free of dirt, bacteria, and other pollutants. Otherwise, you will become ill, and the quantity of negativity in the atmosphere will increase. Feng shui recommends getting rid of anything that no longer serves you and keeping your home clean and tidy. As a result, it’s a good idea to utilise a checklist to fully clean the bathroom.

4. Clean your Bedroom

Your bedroom is both a place to sleep and a place for your body and mind to heal. This location is extremely important because it promotes a healthy flow of both mental and physical energies. Your bedroom is your personal area where you relax and sleep, but that doesn’t mean it has to be filthy or dark. According to feng shui, it will improve your health and sleep and your relationship with your partner.

5. Reduce Use of Chemical Cleaners

Commercial cleaners are inexpensive and easy to use, so most consumers purchase them. However, these cleansers frequently include hazardous chemicals that might have a negative impact on your health if used for an extended period. They upset your home’s balance and make it difficult for you to live a healthy lifestyle. So always use eco-friendly products. It will help you to clean your room in a fast and fun way. If you are hiring professionals to clean your home, make sure they offer eco-friend end of lease cleaning in Newcastle.

6. Clean Windows

Always remember that your windows are the eyes of your home and should be kept clean. If you maintain them spotless, the sunshine will shine through, and you will be able to see the outside world clearly. Before washing the surface, spray the vinegar-water solution over the glasses and scrub them thoroughly with a soft sponge. Also, double-check that it opens and closes smoothly.

7. Freshen the Air

Air purifying bags are fantastic for removing odours, bacteria, mould, and other contaminants from closets, automobiles, storage places, and garages. They are made of bamboo charcoal, and they’re fantastic, affordable, and long-lasting! Remember to light some non-toxic candles, such as the super-eco-friendly coconut wax candles, and relax after you’re through! Cleaning is important at any time of year, but it’s especially important now to make room in your home and life for the new to arrive this year!

8. Hydrate your home

You’ll need a lot of water to keep everything blossoming. There are many beautiful and technologically advanced humidifiers available in the market, so you can purchase as per your requirements. It refreshes your skin, home, and even plants by filling the air with water. Add a few drops of high-grade essential oil to the dispenser to make the experience even better. Lavender and rose are two of my favourite relaxing scents.

9. Mop the Floor

In feng shui, mopping the floor with salt is considered highly lucky. At least once a week, clean your house and office floors using rock salt crystals dissolved in water. People have been using salt to remove negativity from their houses for centuries, and you can continue to do that. Salt is also an effective cleaning agent, so you can also use it for other cleaning purposes.

The Bottom Line

Cleaning makes your home a healthier and happier place. If you want to clean your home but are confused about what method to follow, try feng shui. Thousands of people follow it to bring positivity to their life. Dusting your home on your own can be very stressful. To minimise your stress level, then hire experienced end of lease cleaners in Newcastle.